What is the ideal teacher?(to use partner’s outline) ②

There are a lot of things the ideal teachers should have.

First, teachers should have patience and tolerance, because the students sometimes take time to acquire studies.  Moreover, they should be intelligent, and have high morality.  If teachers have love and power to teach students, we can say they are the best teachers.

Next, teachers should have good communication skill and persuasion.  In other words, it is better for teachers to be sociable, friendly, and smiley.

Finally, teachers should have not only good pronunciation but also writing free composition.  In addition, it is good for them to be able to write beautifully, for example they should be able to use colorful choke and write straight on the black board.

In short, there are three points of view to define the best teacher.

カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク

What is the ideal teacher?(to use partner’s outline) ② への10件のフィードバック

  1. advcomp より:

    > There are a lot of things the ideal teachers should have.
    > check the thesaurus

  2. advcomp より:

    > First, teachers should have patience and tolerance, because the students sometimes take time to acquire studies.
    take time
    take a longer time than expected

    to acquire and learn things

  3. advcomp より:

    > Moreover, they should be intelligent, and have high morality.
    > If teachers have love and power to teach students, we can say they are the best teachers.
    power to teach
    power of teaching

    The more power of teaching one has, the better teacher one becomes

  4. advcomp より:

    > Next, teachers should have good communication skill and persuasion.

    > meaning is awkward

    good communication skills with positive attitudes???

  5. advcomp より:

    > In other words, it is better for teachers to be sociable, friendly, and smiley.

    teachers shoud be
    it is better

    it is necessary for teachers
    teachers need to be
    teachers should be

    compare the above and choose which is the best!

  6. advcomp より:

    > Finally, teachers should have not only good pronunciation but also writing free composition.
    why pronunciation??

    language teachers??

    writing free composition –> this is probably Japanese English

    writing compositions
    writing essays

    simply –> writing –> will do

    good pronunciaiton
    good voice??

    teachers should have not only good speaking , but writing skills.

  7. advcomp より:

    > In addition, it is good for them to be able to write beautifully, for example they should be able to use colorful choke and write straight on the black board.

    it is good?? –> too weak

    In addition, teachers should be able to write well
    write well
    write beautifully –> not quite possible, unless one is a musican or a poet
    write clearly???
    to write for easy reading??


    write straight —->> not English, differnent meaning –> frankness

    balck board
    one word

    • ryosukekg より:

      >In addition, it is good for them to be able to write beautifully, for example they should be able to use colorful choke and write straight on the black board.

      it is good?? –> too weak

      >They should be able to

  8. advcomp より:

    > In short, there are three points of view to define the best teacher.
    there are
    these are
    the above three are

    points of view
    basis of qualities for

    best teacher
    best teachers
    ideal teachers

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